Census data are made available in multiple forms and formats, for the convenience of users. 

Census Digital Library

The Census Digital Library is our central repository of all materials related to the censuses. It provides a searchable catalog of all publicly-available resources: census schedules, data tables, acts and rules, presentations, photos, geographic files, and others.

Census Tables

The Census Tables are a large collection of MS-Excel files available for the Censuses 2001 and 2011. For each one of these censuses, around 200 different tables have been generated. Many of these tables have been produced at the State/UT level (or lower administrative area), and separately for the whole population and for the population of Scheduled Castes and Tribes. As a result, the number of Excel files is very large. The list of tables is organized by Census and by series. All tables listed in this page are also available in the Census Digital Library. 

Data API

Most of the data contained in the Census Tables is made available via our Application Programming Interface (API). Users who intend to use the data as a service (for dynamic data visualizations or other applications) will find this mode of dissemination convenient.

Sample Microdata

An anonymized subset of the Census Microdata is made available to authorized researchers. 

Visualization Gallery

The Visualization Gallery provides a collection of charts and maps related to the 2001 and 2011 censuses. These charts and maps are fully reproducible, make use of the data API, and can be conveniently embedded in users' websites.

Population Finder

The Population Finder is a searchable database of indicators from the Primary Census Abstract, available at the district, sub-district, village, town and ward levels. 

Featured Products

The Featured Products page provides access to various outputs of the population censuses, including the District Handbooks and the Administrative Atlases.