In addition to providing Census data as a large collection of Excel file, and line with our commitment to modernize data dissemination, we are providing access to the published Census data through an application programming interface (API). This mode of access is intended to allow developers and analysts to get direct access to the data they need to develop applications, visualizations (the API is driving our own interactive data visualizations), and other products and services. 

The data currently available through this API include most of the data published in tables from the 2011 and 2001 Censuses. The API only provides access to data that ORGI is also releasing publicly in aggregate form (see our large collection of Excel tables). They do not provide access to any individual or household-level data, or to any other information that would allow the re-identification of a person.

The API is intended to provide highly targeted data. It is not intended to return large volumes of data. If you need to download the full content of data tables, download the Excel files or see the dump page.

We encourage you to report bugs, request new features, and inform us of the ways you are making use of this service.