ORGI Census 2011 Tables |
PC11_HL14 |
Source |
Population Census 2011 |
Start year | End year |
2011 | 2011 |
Name | Maintainer |
Houselisting and Housing Census data | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Household | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
State code |
State name |
District code |
District name |
Tehsil code |
Tehsil name |
Town code / Village code |
Ward No |
Area name |
Area of residence: Total / Rural / Urban |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Total |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Good |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Livable |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Dilapidated |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Total |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Good |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Livable |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Dilapidated |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Total |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Good |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Livable |
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Dilapidated |
Material of roof: Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo/ Wood/Mud etc. |
Material of roof: Plastic/ Polythene |
Material of roof: Hand made Tiles |
Material of roof: Machine made Tiles |
Material of roof: Burnt Brick |
Material of roof: Stone/ Slate |
Material of roof: G.I./Metal/ Asbestos sheets |
Material of roof: Concrete |
Material of roof: Any other material |
Material of wall: Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo etc. |
Material of wall: Plastic/ Polythene |
Material of wall: Mud/Unburnt brick |
Material of wall: Wood |
Material of wall: Stone not packed with mortar |
Material of wall: Stone packed with mortar |
Material of wall: G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets |
Material of wall: Burnt brick |
Material of wall: Concrete |
Material of wall: Any other material |
Material of floor: Mud |
Material of floor: Wood/ Bamboo |
Material of floor: Burnt Brick |
Material of floor: Stone |
Material of floor: Cement |
Material of floor: Mosaic/ Floor tiles |
Material of floor: Any other material |
Number of dwelling rooms: No exclusive room |
Number of dwelling rooms: One room |
Number of dwelling rooms: Two rooms |
Number of dwelling rooms: Three rooms |
Number of dwelling rooms: Four rooms |
Number of dwelling rooms: Five rooms |
Number of dwelling rooms: Six rooms and above |
Household size: 1 |
Household size: 2 |
Household size: 3 |
Household size: 4 |
Household size: 5 |
Household size: 6-8 |
Household size: 9+ |
Ownership status: Owned |
Ownership status: Rented |
Ownership status: Any others |
Married couple: None |
Married couple: 1 |
Married couple: 2 |
Married couple: 3 |
Married couple: 4 |
Married couple: 5+ |
Main source of drinking water: Tapwater from treated source |
Main source of drinking water: Tapwater from un-treated source |
Main source of drinking water: Covered well |
Main source of drinking water: Un-covered well |
Main source of drinking water: Handpump |
Main source of drinking water: Tubewell/Borehole |
Main source of drinking water: Spring |
Main source of drinking water: River/Canal |
Main source of drinking water: Tank/ Pond/ Lake |
Main source of drinking water: Other sources |
Location of drinking water source: Within premises |
Location of drinking water source: Near premises |
Location of drinking water source: Away |
Main source of lighting: Electricity |
Main source of lighting: Kerosene |
Main source of lighting: Solar energy |
Main source of lighting: Other oil |
Main source of lighting: Any other |
Main source of lighting: No lighting |
Number of households having latrine facility within the premises |
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Piped sewer system |
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Septic tank |
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Other system |
Pit latrine with slab/ventilated improved pit |
Pit latrine without slab/open pit |
Night soil disposed into open drain |
Service latrine: Night soil removed by human |
Service latrine: Night soil serviced by animal |
Number of households not having latrine facility within the premises |
Alternative source: Public latrine |
Alternative source: Open |
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - Yes / Bathroom |
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - Yes / Enclosure without roof |
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - No |
Waste water outlet connected to: Closed drainage |
Waste water outlet connected to: Open drainage |
Waste water outlet connected to: No drainage |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Fire-wood |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Crop residue |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Cowdung cake |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Coal,Lignite,Charcoal |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Kerosene |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: LPG/PNG |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Electricity |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Biogas |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Any other |
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: No cooking |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house - Has Kitchen |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house - Does not have kitchen |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house - Has Kitchen |
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house - Does not have kitchen |
Kitchen Facility: No cooking |
Total number of households availing banking services |
Availability of assets: Radio/Transistor |
Availability of assets: Television |
Availability of assets: Computer/Laptop With Internet |
Availability of assets: Computer/Laptop Without Internet |
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Landline only |
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Mobile only |
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Both |
Availability of assets: Bicycle |
Availability of assets: Scooter/ Motorcycle/Moped |
Availability of assets: Car/ Jeep/Van |
Availability of assets: Households with TV, Computer/Laptop, Telephone/mobile phone and Scooter/ Car |
Availability of assets: None of the assets specified |
Type of Census Houses: Permanent |
Type of Census Houses: Semi-permanent |
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Total |
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Serviceable |
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Non-Serviceable |
Type of Census Houses: Unclassifiable |
Label |
Residence: Total |
Residence: Rural |
Residence: Urban |
Location name | Location code | Type |
North & Middle Andaman | 35-639 | District |
Dist - Diglipur | 35-639-05919 | Tehsil / Sub-district |
Shyam Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05919-645212 | Town/village |
Radha Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05919-645213 | Town/village |
Swarajgram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645214 | Town/village |
Milangram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645215 | Town/village |
Laxmipur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645216 | Town/village |
Deshbandhugram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645217 | Town/village |
Madhupur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645218 | Town/village |
Krishnapuri (RV) | 35-639-05919-645219 | Town/village |
Sitanagar (RV) | 35-639-05919-645220 | Town/village |
Rabindrapalli (RV) | 35-639-05919-645221 | Town/village |
Subhashgram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645222 | Town/village |
Diglipur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645223 | Town/village |
Ramakrishnagram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645224 | Town/village |
Vidyasagarpalli (RV) | 35-639-05919-645225 | Town/village |
Keralapuram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645226 | Town/village |
Aerial Bay (RV) | 35-639-05919-645227 | Town/village |
Durgapur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645228 | Town/village |
Shibpur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645229 | Town/village |
Kalipur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645230 | Town/village |
Khudirampur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645231 | Town/village |
Nabagram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645232 | Town/village |
Paranghara (RV) | 35-639-05919-645233 | Town/village |
Kishori Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05919-645234 | Town/village |
Madhyamgram (RV) | 35-639-05919-645235 | Town/village |
Nischintapur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645236 | Town/village |
Kalighat (RV) | 35-639-05919-645237 | Town/village |
Jagannath Dera (RV) | 35-639-05919-645238 | Town/village |
Ramnagar (RV) | 35-639-05919-645239 | Town/village |
Borang (RV) | 35-639-05919-645240 | Town/village |
Mohanpur (RV) | 35-639-05919-645241 | Town/village |
Sagar Dweep (RV) | 35-639-05919-645242 | Town/village |
East Island (Police post & Light house) | 35-639-05919-645243 | Town/village |
Karen Basti (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645245 | Town/village |
Elezabeth Bay (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645246 | Town/village |
Beach Dera (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645247 | Town/village |
Coffe Dera (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645248 | Town/village |
Bandhan Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645249 | Town/village |
Haridas Kattai (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645250 | Town/village |
Shyam Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645251 | Town/village |
Ganesh Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645252 | Town/village |
Amber Chad (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645253 | Town/village |
Santi Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645254 | Town/village |
Gandhi Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645255 | Town/village |
Gandhi Nagar (Forest Beat) | 35-639-05919-645256 | Town/village |
Radha Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645257 | Town/village |
Burmachad (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645258 | Town/village |
Haran Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645259 | Town/village |
Laxmipur (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645260 | Town/village |
Paschimsagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645261 | Town/village |
Tal Bagan (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645262 | Town/village |
Sitanagar, (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645263 | Town/village |
Khudirampur (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645264 | Town/village |
Lamiya Bay (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645265 | Town/village |
Lamiya Bay (WLS) | 35-639-05919-645266 | Town/village |
Baskata Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645267 | Town/village |
Mutha Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645268 | Town/village |
Srinagar (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645271 | Town/village |
Ganna Level (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645272 | Town/village |
Narayan Tikri (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645273 | Town/village |
Pathi Level (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645276 | Town/village |
Bara Dabla (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645277 | Town/village |
Hoari Bay (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645278 | Town/village |
Pilone Nallaha (FDCA) | 35-639-05919-645279 | Town/village |
Ganna Dabla (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645281 | Town/village |
Hara Tikry (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645286 | Town/village |
Austin II (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645287 | Town/village |
Smith (EFA) | 35-639-05919-645288 | Town/village |
Smith (Timber Export Depot) | 35-639-05919-645289 | Town/village |
Curlew Island (FCPA) | 35-639-05919-645290 | Town/village |
Stewart Island | 35-639-05919-645291 | Town/village |
Land Fall Island (Police post) | 35-639-05919-645292 | Town/village |
Dist - Mayabunder | 35-639-05920 | Tehsil / Sub-district |
Aves Island (RV) | 35-639-05920-645293 | Town/village |
Mayabunder (RV) | 35-639-05920-645294 | Town/village |
Pokadera (RV) | 35-639-05920-645295 | Town/village |
Danpur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645296 | Town/village |
Rampur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645297 | Town/village |
Karmatang (RV) | 35-639-05920-645298 | Town/village |
Lucknow (RV) | 35-639-05920-645299 | Town/village |
Lataw (RV) | 35-639-05920-645300 | Town/village |
Devpur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645301 | Town/village |
Webi (RV) | 35-639-05920-645302 | Town/village |
Pahalgaon (RV) | 35-639-05920-645303 | Town/village |
Tugapur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645304 | Town/village |
Hanspuri (RV) (including JPP Camps) | 35-639-05920-645305 | Town/village |
Chainpur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645306 | Town/village |
Pudumadurai (RV) | 35-639-05920-645307 | Town/village |
Basantipur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645308 | Town/village |
Profullya Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645309 | Town/village |
Govindpur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645310 | Town/village |
Paresh Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645311 | Town/village |
Kamalapur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645312 | Town/village |
Jaipur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645313 | Town/village |
Pinakinagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645314 | Town/village |
Harinagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645315 | Town/village |
Dukennagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645316 | Town/village |
Santipur (RV) | 35-639-05920-645317 | Town/village |
Swadesh Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05920-645318 | Town/village |
Interview Island (WLS) | 35-639-05920-645319 | Town/village |
Karmatang IX (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645321 | Town/village |
Karmatang X (EFA) incl.Bihari Plot (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645322 | Town/village |
Paiket Bay (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645323 | Town/village |
Bamboo Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645324 | Town/village |
Buddha Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645325 | Town/village |
Chuglum Gum (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645326 | Town/village |
Sundari Khari (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645327 | Town/village |
Karanch Khari (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645328 | Town/village |
Chappa Nali (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645330 | Town/village |
Khukari Tabla (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645331 | Town/village |
Ganesh Nagar I & II (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645332 | Town/village |
Shippi Tikry (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645335 | Town/village |
Chainpur (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645336 | Town/village |
Bajato (EFA & 40 acre plot) | 35-639-05920-645337 | Town/village |
Asha Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645338 | Town/village |
Birsa Nagar (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645339 | Town/village |
Kanchi Nallaha (EFA) & Bamboo Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645340 | Town/village |
Pather Tikry (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645341 | Town/village |
Lauki Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05920-645342 | Town/village |
Dist - Rangat | 35-639-05921 | Tehsil / Sub-district |
Dharmapur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645343 | Town/village |
Ramachandra Nagar (RV) | 35-639-05921-645344 | Town/village |
Thiruvanchikulam (RV) | 35-639-05921-645345 | Town/village |
Shivapuram (RV) | 35-639-05921-645346 | Town/village |
Padmanabhapuram (RV) | 35-639-05921-645347 | Town/village |
Panchawati (RV) | 35-639-05921-645348 | Town/village |
Amkunj (RV) | 35-639-05921-645349 | Town/village |
Nimbutala (RV) | 35-639-05921-645350 | Town/village |
Janakpur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645351 | Town/village |
Desharatpur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645352 | Town/village |
Sitapur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645353 | Town/village |
Mithila (RV) | 35-639-05921-645354 | Town/village |
Rangat (RV) | 35-639-05921-645355 | Town/village |
Rampur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645356 | Town/village |
Parnasala (RV) | 35-639-05921-645357 | Town/village |
Sabari (RV) | 35-639-05921-645358 | Town/village |
Bharatpur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645359 | Town/village |
Shyamkund (RV) | 35-639-05921-645360 | Town/village |
Vishnupur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645361 | Town/village |
Laxmanpur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645362 | Town/village |
Urmilapur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645363 | Town/village |
Kalsi (RV) | 35-639-05921-645364 | Town/village |
Kaushalyanagar (RV) | 35-639-05921-645365 | Town/village |
Saktigarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645366 | Town/village |
Bangaon (RV) | 35-639-05921-645367 | Town/village |
Yeratiljig (RV) | 35-639-05921-645368 | Town/village |
Kadamtala (RV) | 35-639-05921-645369 | Town/village |
Santanu (RV) | 35-639-05921-645370 | Town/village |
Uttara (RV) | 35-639-05921-645371 | Town/village |
Long Island (RV) | 35-639-05921-645372 | Town/village |
Strait Island (AS) | 35-639-05921-645373 | Town/village |
Adojig (RV) (including EFA) | 35-639-05921-645374 | Town/village |
Bejoygarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645375 | Town/village |
Udhaygarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645376 | Town/village |
Sundergarh (RV) (including EFA) | 35-639-05921-645377 | Town/village |
Kanchangarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645378 | Town/village |
Nilambur (RV) | 35-639-05921-645379 | Town/village |
Abaygarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645380 | Town/village |
Raglachang (RV) | 35-639-05921-645381 | Town/village |
Nayagarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645382 | Town/village |
Rajatgarh (RV) | 35-639-05921-645383 | Town/village |
Wrafter's Creek (RV) | 35-639-05921-645384 | Town/village |
Khatta Khari (RV) | 35-639-05921-645385 | Town/village |
Cutbert Bay (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645386 | Town/village |
Thoraktang (FC) | 35-639-05921-645387 | Town/village |
Dhani Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645388 | Town/village |
Sippi Tikry (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645389 | Town/village |
Sukha Nallaha (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645390 | Town/village |
Panchawati (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645391 | Town/village |
Gol Pahar (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645394 | Town/village |
Sagwan Nallaha (FC) | 35-639-05921-645396 | Town/village |
Charlungta (FC) | 35-639-05921-645400 | Town/village |
Charlungta II (FC) | 35-639-05921-645401 | Town/village |
Boroinyol II (FC) | 35-639-05921-645402 | Town/village |
Porlobjig No. 15 (FC, APWDC & JPPC) | 35-639-05921-645403 | Town/village |
Yeratiljig No. 9 (JPPC) | 35-639-05921-645407 | Town/village |
Yeratiljig No. 11 (JPPC) | 35-639-05921-645408 | Town/village |
Macarthy Valley (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645409 | Town/village |
Foster Valley (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645411 | Town/village |
Porlobjig No. 3 (JPPC, APWDC & ANIFPDC) | 35-639-05921-645413 | Town/village |
Bamboo Tikry (JPPC) | 35-639-05921-645414 | Town/village |
Lalajig Bay (AC) | 35-639-05921-645421 | Town/village |
Merk Bay (AC) | 35-639-05921-645422 | Town/village |
Pawajig (FC) | 35-639-05921-645424 | Town/village |
Lorrojig (FC) & Vishnu Nallaha (APWDC) | 35-639-05921-645426 | Town/village |
Papita Dera (FC) | 35-639-05921-645428 | Town/village |
Sanker Nallaha (PWDC) | 35-639-05921-645429 | Town/village |
Bolcha (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645430 | Town/village |
Nilambur (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645431 | Town/village |
South Creek (EFA, FC & APWDC) | 35-639-05921-645432 | Town/village |
Raglachang (Nayadera) (FC) | 35-639-05921-645434 | Town/village |
Rajatgarh (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645435 | Town/village |
Wrafter's Creek (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645436 | Town/village |
Khatta Khari (EFA) | 35-639-05921-645437 | Town/village |
Bakultala (CT) | 35-639-05921-645439 | Town/village |
Bakultala (CT) - Ward No.1 | 35-639-05921-645439-0001 | Ward |