Label |
State code
State name
District code
District name
Tehsil code
Tehsil name
Town code / Village code
Ward No
Area name
Area of residence: Total / Rural / Urban
Census year
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Total
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Good
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Livable
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Total / Dilapidated
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Total
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Good
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Livable
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence / Dilapidated
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Total
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Good
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Livable
Number of households with condition of Census House as: Residence-cum-other-use / Dilapidated
Material of roof: Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo/ Wood/Mud etc.
Material of roof: Plastic/ Polythene
Material of roof: Hand made Tiles
Material of roof: Machine made Tiles
Material of roof: Burnt Brick
Material of roof: Stone/ Slate
Material of roof: G.I./Metal/ Asbestos sheets
Material of roof: Concrete
Material of roof: Any other material
Material of wall: Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo etc.
Material of wall: Plastic/ Polythene
Material of wall: Mud/Unburnt brick
Material of wall: Wood
Material of wall: Stone not packed with mortar
Material of wall: Stone packed with mortar
Material of wall: G.I./ Metal/ Asbestos sheets
Material of wall: Burnt brick
Material of wall: Concrete
Material of wall: Any other material
Material of floor: Mud
Material of floor: Wood/ Bamboo
Material of floor: Burnt Brick
Material of floor: Stone
Material of floor: Cement
Material of floor: Mosaic/ Floor tiles
Material of floor: Any other material
Number of dwelling rooms: No exclusive room
Number of dwelling rooms: One room
Number of dwelling rooms: Two rooms
Number of dwelling rooms: Three rooms
Number of dwelling rooms: Four rooms
Number of dwelling rooms: Five rooms
Number of dwelling rooms: Six rooms and above
Household size: 1
Household size: 2
Household size: 3
Household size: 4
Household size: 5
Household size: 6-8
Household size: 9+
Ownership status: Owned
Ownership status: Rented
Ownership status: Any others
Married couple: None
Married couple: 1
Married couple: 2
Married couple: 3
Married couple: 4
Married couple: 5+
Main source of drinking water: Tapwater from treated source
Main source of drinking water: Tapwater from un-treated source
Main source of drinking water: Covered well
Main source of drinking water: Un-covered well
Main source of drinking water: Handpump
Main source of drinking water: Tubewell/Borehole
Main source of drinking water: Spring
Main source of drinking water: River/Canal
Main source of drinking water: Tank/ Pond/ Lake
Main source of drinking water: Other sources
Location of drinking water source: Within premises
Location of drinking water source: Near premises
Location of drinking water source: Away
Main source of lighting: Electricity
Main source of lighting: Kerosene
Main source of lighting: Solar energy
Main source of lighting: Other oil
Main source of lighting: Any other
Main source of lighting: No lighting
Number of households having latrine facility within the premises
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Piped sewer system
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Septic tank
Flush/pour flush latrine connected to: Other system
Pit latrine with slab/ventilated improved pit
Pit latrine without slab/open pit
Night soil disposed into open drain
Service latrine: Night soil removed by human
Service latrine: Night soil serviced by animal
Number of households not having latrine facility within the premises
Alternative source: Public latrine
Alternative source: Open
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - Yes / Bathroom
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - Yes / Enclosure without roof
Number of households having bathing facility within the premises - No
Waste water outlet connected to: Closed drainage
Waste water outlet connected to: Open drainage
Waste water outlet connected to: No drainage
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Fire-wood
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Crop residue
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Cowdung cake
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Coal,Lignite,Charcoal
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Kerosene
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: LPG/PNG
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Electricity
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Biogas
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: Any other
Type of Fuel used for Cooking: No cooking
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house - Has Kitchen
Kitchen Facility: Cooking inside house - Does not have kitchen
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house - Has Kitchen
Kitchen Facility: Cooking outside house - Does not have kitchen
Kitchen Facility: No cooking
Total number of households availing banking services
Availability of assets: Radio/Transistor
Availability of assets: Television
Availability of assets: Computer/Laptop With Internet
Availability of assets: Computer/Laptop Without Internet
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Landline only
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Mobile only
Availability of assets: Telephone/Mobile Phone - Both
Availability of assets: Bicycle
Availability of assets: Scooter/ Motorcycle/Moped
Availability of assets: Car/ Jeep/Van
Availability of assets: Households with TV, Computer/Laptop, Telephone/mobile phone and Scooter/ Car
Availability of assets: None of the assets specified
Type of Census Houses: Permanent
Type of Census Houses: Semi-permanent
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Total
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Serviceable
Type of Census Houses: Temporary - Non-Serviceable
Type of Census Houses: Unclassifiable