ORGI Census 2011 Tables |
PC11_HL03-SC |
Source |
Population Census 2011 |
Start year | End year |
2011 | 2011 |
Name | Maintainer |
Household | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Houselisting and Housing Census data | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Scheduled Castes | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
Area name |
Area of residence |
Total number of households |
Census house as residence |
Material of roof |
Grass Thatch Bamboo Wood Mud |
Plastic Polythene |
Hand made tiles |
Machine made tiles |
Burnt brick |
Stone Slate |
G.I. Metal Asbestos sheets |
Concrete |
Other material |
Label |
Urban |
Rural |
Materials of wall |
Grass thatch bamboo |
Plastic Polythene |
Mud unburnt brick |
Wood |
Stone not packed with mortar |
Stone packed with mortar |
Burnt brick |
Other materials |
Name |
urban |
rural |
roof material |
wall material |
scheduled caste |
Name |
housing |
scheduled castes |
Location name | Location code | Type |
SIKKIM | 11 | State |
North District | 241 | District |
West District | 242 | District |
South District | 243 | District |
East District | 244 | District |