Working Population in Calcutta Industrial Region, Distribution by Industry, Place of Birth and Educational Attainment, 1951 Census, West Bengal - Census 1951
Working Population in Calcutta Industrial Region, Distribution by Industry, Place of Birth and Educational Attainment, 1951 Census, West Bengal - Census 1951
Working Population in Calcutta Industrial Region, Distribution by Industry, Place of Birth and Educational Attainment, 1951 Census
Percentage Distribution of Economically Active workers (self-supporting persons and Earning dependants) Engaged in Industries according to birth place and education Standard, Regional Divisions according to which places of birth have been classified in the tables, Composition of Calcutta Industrial Region, Table, Calcutta Industrial Region, Self-supporting persons, Earning Dependants, East of the Hooghly River (excluding Calcutta city), West of the Hooghly River