Census Legislation, Framing of the Census questionnaire, Conference of Census Superintendents, Appointment of Census, Incidents of appointment should be determined at the outset, some special difficulties, office staff, Touring, Purchase of paper and its consumption, printing, Reproduction and mechanical appliances, Accounts Budgets, Rules, Method of Keeping census accounts, Financial powers, permanent advance, Miscellaneous, Census Publicity, Enumeration, Appointment of district census officer, Circulation of census instructions, Distribution of forms, Forms in Hindi and Nepali, House-numbering, enumerating agency, enumeration slip, Distribution of pads and Maintenance of reserves, Verification of the record during the period of enumeration, Provisional totals, Sikkim and chandernagore, Sikkim, Chandernagore, Calcutta, Special census officer for Calcutta, Accommodation for the special census officer, Furniture for the special census officer.