ORGI Census 2001 Tables |
Source |
Population Census 2001 |
Start year | End year |
2001 | 2001 |
Name | Maintainer |
Primary Census Abstract | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Scheduled Tribes | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
Tribe Code |
Area name |
Tribe |
Residence (Total / Urban / Rural) |
Population - Persons |
Population - Males |
Population - Females |
Population 0-6 years old - Persons |
Population 0-6 years old - Males |
Population 0-6 years old - Females |
Population - Literate - Persons |
Population - Literate - Males |
Population - Literate - Females |
Population - Illiterate - Persons |
Population - Illiterate - Males |
Population - Illiterate - Females |
Total Workers - Persons |
Total Workers - Males |
Total Workers - Females |
Main worker - Persons |
Main worker - Males |
Main worker - Females |
Main worker, cultivator - Persons |
Main worker, cultivator - Males |
Main worker, cultivator - Females |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Persons |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Males |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Females |
Main worker, household industry - Persons |
Main worker, household industry - Males |
Main worker, household industry - Females |
Main worker, others - Persons |
Main worker, others - Males |
Main worker, others - Females |
Marginal worker - Persons |
Marginal worker - Males |
Marginal worker - Females |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Persons |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Males |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Females |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Persons |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Males |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Females |
Marginal worker, household industry - Persons |
Marginal worker, household industry - Males |
Marginal worker, household industry - Females |
Marginal worker, others - Persons |
Marginal worker, others - Males |
Marginal worker, others - Females |
Non worker - Persons |
Non worker - Males |
Non worker - Females |
Label |
Residence: Total |
Residence: Rural |
Residence: Urban |
Tribe: All Scheduled Tribes |
Tribe: Agariya |
Tribe: Andh |
Tribe: Baiga |
Tribe: Bhaina |
Tribe: Bharia Bhumia etc. |
Tribe: Bhattra |
Tribe: Bhil etc. |
Tribe: Bhil Mina |
Tribe: Bhunjia |
Tribe: Biar etc. |
Tribe: Binjhwar |
Tribe: Birhul etc. |
Tribe: Damor etc. |
Tribe: Dhanwar |
Tribe: Gadaba etc. |
Tribe: Gond etc. |
Tribe: Halba etc. |
Tribe: Kamar |
Tribe: Karku |
Tribe: Kawar etc. |
Tribe: Khairwar etc. |
Tribe: Kharia |
Tribe: Kondh etc. |
Tribe: Kol |
Tribe: Kolam |
Tribe: Korku etc. |
Tribe: Korwa etc. |
Tribe: Majhi |
Tribe: Majhwar |
Tribe: Mawasi |
Tribe: Munda |
Tribe: Nagesia etc. |
Tribe: Oraon etc. |
Tribe: Pao |
Tribe: Pardhan etc. |
Tribe: Pardhi etc. |
Tribe: Parja |
Tribe: Sahariya etc. |
Tribe: Saonta etc. |
Tribe: Saur |
Tribe: Sawar etc. |
Tribe: Sonr |
Tribe: Generic Tribes etc. |
Name |
urban |
rural |
worker |
scheduled tribe |
Name |
population |
Location name | Location code | Type |
Chhattisgarh | 22 | State |