ORGI Census 2001 Tables |
Source |
Population Census 2001 |
Start year | End year |
2001 | 2001 |
Name | Maintainer |
Primary Census Abstract | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Scheduled Tribes | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
Tribe Code |
Area name |
Tribe |
Residence (Total / Urban / Rural) |
Population - Persons |
Population - Males |
Population - Females |
Population 0-6 years old - Persons |
Population 0-6 years old - Males |
Population 0-6 years old - Females |
Population - Literate - Persons |
Population - Literate - Males |
Population - Literate - Females |
Population - Illiterate - Persons |
Population - Illiterate - Males |
Population - Illiterate - Females |
Total Workers - Persons |
Total Workers - Males |
Total Workers - Females |
Main worker - Persons |
Main worker - Males |
Main worker - Females |
Main worker, cultivator - Persons |
Main worker, cultivator - Males |
Main worker, cultivator - Females |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Persons |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Males |
Main worker, agricultural labourer - Females |
Main worker, household industry - Persons |
Main worker, household industry - Males |
Main worker, household industry - Females |
Main worker, others - Persons |
Main worker, others - Males |
Main worker, others - Females |
Marginal worker - Persons |
Marginal worker - Males |
Marginal worker - Females |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Persons |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Males |
Marginal worker, cultivator - Females |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Persons |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Males |
Marginal worker, agricultural labourer - Females |
Marginal worker, household industry - Persons |
Marginal worker, household industry - Males |
Marginal worker, household industry - Females |
Marginal worker, others - Persons |
Marginal worker, others - Males |
Marginal worker, others - Females |
Non worker - Persons |
Non worker - Males |
Non worker - Females |
Label |
Residence: Total |
Residence: Rural |
Residence: Urban |
Tribe: All Scheduled Tribes |
Tribe: Abor |
Tribe: Adi |
Tribe: Adi Gallong |
Tribe: Adi Minyong |
Tribe: Adi Padam |
Tribe: Adi Pasi |
Tribe: Aka |
Tribe: Apatani |
Tribe: Ashing |
Tribe: Bagi |
Tribe: Bangni |
Tribe: Bangro |
Tribe: Bogum |
Tribe: Bokar |
Tribe: Bori |
Tribe: But Monpa |
Tribe: Dafla |
Tribe: Darok Tangsa |
Tribe: Deori |
Tribe: Degaru/Taraon Mishmi |
Tribe: Dirang Monpa |
Tribe: Galong |
Tribe: Haisa Tangsa |
Tribe: Havi Tangsa |
Tribe: Hill Miri |
Tribe: Hotang Tangsa |
Tribe: Idu/Chulikata Mishmi |
Tribe: Kaman/Miju Mishmi |
Tribe: Karka |
Tribe: Kemsing Tangsa |
Tribe: Khamba |
Tribe: Khamiyang |
Tribe: Khampti |
Tribe: Khowa |
Tribe: Komkar |
Tribe: Korang Tangsa |
Tribe: Langkai Tangsa |
Tribe: Libo |
Tribe: Lichi Tangsa |
Tribe: Liju Nocte |
Tribe: Lish Monpa |
Tribe: Longchang Tangsa |
Tribe: Longin Tangsa |
Tribe: Longphi Tangsa |
Tribe: Longri Tangsa |
Tribe: Longsang Tangsa |
Tribe: Lowang Tangsa |
Tribe: Meyor |
Tribe: Miji |
Tribe: Mikir |
Tribe: Millang |
Tribe: Miniyong |
Tribe: Mishing/Miri |
Tribe: Mishmi |
Tribe: Moglum Tangsa |
Tribe: Momba |
Tribe: Monpa |
Tribe: Morang Tangsa |
Tribe: Mossang Tangsa |
Tribe: Muktum |
Tribe: Namsang Tangsa |
Tribe: Ngimong Tangsa |
Tribe: Nishang |
Tribe: Nissi |
Tribe: Nocte |
Tribe: Nonong |
Tribe: Padam |
Tribe: Pailibo |
Tribe: Panchen Monpa |
Tribe: Pangi |
Tribe: Pasi |
Tribe: Phong Tangsa |
Tribe: Ponthai Nocte |
Tribe: Ramo |
Tribe: Rangai Tangsa |
Tribe: Rongrang Tangsa |
Tribe: Sanke Tangsa |
Tribe: Sherdukpen |
Tribe: Simong |
Tribe: Singpho |
Tribe: Siram |
Tribe: Sulung |
Tribe: Sulung Bangni |
Tribe: Tagin |
Tribe: Tagin Bangni |
Tribe: Taisen Tangsa |
Tribe: Tangam |
Tribe: Tangsa |
Tribe: Taram |
Tribe: Tawang Monpa |
Tribe: Thai Khampi |
Tribe: Tikhak Tangsa |
Tribe: Tutcha Nocte |
Tribe: Wancho |
Tribe: Yobin |
Tribe: Yongkuk Tangsa |
Tribe: Yougli Tangsa |
Tribe: Any Naga Tribes etc. |
Tribe: Generic Tribes etc. |
Name |
urban |
rural |
worker |
scheduled tribe |
Name |
population |
Location name | Location code | Type |
Arunachal Pradesh | 12 | State |