ORGI Census 2001 Tables |
PC01_SC08a |
Source |
Population Census 2001 |
Start year | End year |
2001 | 2001 |
Name | Maintainer |
Scheduled Castes | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Age | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Education | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
State code |
Area name |
Scheduled caste SC code |
Scheduled caste SC name |
Residence - Total, Rural, Urban |
Educational level: Total - person / male / female |
Educational level: Illiterate - person / male / female |
Educational level: Literate - person / male / female |
Educational level: Literate without educational level - person / male / female |
Educational level: Below primary - person / male / female |
Educational level: Primary - person / male / female |
Educational level: Middle - person / male / female |
Educational level: Matric/Secondary - person / male / female |
Educational level: Higher Secondary/Intermediate/Pre-University/Senior Secondary - person / male / female |
Educational level: Non-Technical diploma or certificate not equal to degree - person / male / female |
Educational level: Technical diploma or certificate not equal to degree - person / male / female |
Educational level: Graduate and above - person / male / female |
Label |
Total |
Rural |
Urban |
Caste: All Scheduled Castes |
Caste: Adi Andhra |
Caste: Adi Dravida |
Caste: Adi Karnataka |
Caste: Arunthathiyar |
Caste: Bakuda |
Caste: Bandi |
Caste: Chakkiliyan |
Caste: Chalavadi |
Caste: Chamar etc. |
Caste: Cheruman |
Caste: Devendrakulathan |
Caste: Dom etc. |
Caste: Domban |
Caste: Godda |
Caste: Kadaiyan |
Caste: Kalladi |
Caste: Koliyan |
Caste: Kudumban |
Caste: Kuravan etc. |
Caste: Madari |
Caste: Mala |
Caste: Mavilan |
Caste: Nayadi |
Caste: Pagadai |
Caste: Pallan |
Caste: Pambada |
Caste: Panchama |
Caste: Pannadi |
Caste: Panniandi |
Caste: Paraiyan etc. |
Caste: Pulayan etc. |
Caste: Puthirai Vannan |
Caste: Samban |
Caste: Semman |
Caste: Thoti |
Caste: Tiruvalluvar |
Caste: Vallon |
Caste: Valluvan |
Caste: Vathiriyan |
Caste: Velan |
Caste: Vettiyan |
Caste: Generic Castes etc. |
Name |
urban |
rural |
caste |
education |
pc01_sc08_appendix |
Name |
scheduled castes |
Location name | Location code | Type |
Tiruchirappalli | 15 | District |