ORGI Census 2011 Tables |
PC11_ST03 |
Source |
Population Census 2011 |
Start year | End year |
2011 | 2011 |
Name | Maintainer |
Scheduled Tribes | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Age | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Workers | Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (ORGI) |
Name | Code |
India | IND |
Agency Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | Affiliation | Abbreviation | URI |
Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India | Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India | ORGI | Link |
Name | code |
English | EN |
Label |
Area name |
Scheduled tribe ST code |
Scheduled tribe ST name |
Residence - Total, Rural, Urban |
Age group |
Marginal workers - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category A - Cultivators - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category A - Labourers - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category A - Plantation, livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting and allied activities- Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category B - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category C - Household industries (HHI) - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category C - Non HHI - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category D & E - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category F - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category G - Household industries (HHI) - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category G - Non HHI - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category H - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category I - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category J - Household industries (HHI) - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category J - Non HHI - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category K to M - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category N to O - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category P to Q - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category R to U - Household industries (HHI) - Person, Male, Female |
Industrial category R to U - Non HHI - Person, Male, Female |
Label |
Residence: Total |
Residence: Rural |
Residence: Urban |
Age group: Total |
Age group: 5-14 |
Age group: 15-34 |
Age group: 35-59 |
Age group: 60+ |
Age group: Age not stated |
Tribe: All Scheduled Tribes |
Tribe: Bagata, Bhakta |
Tribe: Baiga |
Tribe: Banjara, Banjari |
Tribe: Bathudi, Bathuri |
Tribe: Bhottada, Dhotada, Bhotra, Bhatra, Bhattara, Bhotora, Bhatara |
Tribe: Bhuiya, Bhuyan |
Tribe: Bhumia |
Tribe: Bhumij, Teli Bhumij, Haladipokhria Bhumij, Haladi Pokharia Bhumija, Desi Bhumij, Desia Bhumij, Tamaria Bhumij |
Tribe: Bhunjia |
Tribe: Binjhal, Binjhwar |
Tribe: Binjhia, Binjhoa |
Tribe: Birhor |
Tribe: Bondo Poraja, Bonda Paroja, Banda Paroja |
Tribe: Dal |
Tribe: Desua Bhumij |
Tribe: Dharua, Dhuruba, Dhurva |
Tribe: Didayi, Didai Paroja, Didai |
Tribe: Gadaba, Bodo Gadaba, Gutob Gadaba, Kapu Gadaba, Ollara Gadaba, Parenga Gadaba, Sano Gadaba |
Tribe: Gandia |
Tribe: Ghara |
Tribe: Gond, Gondo, Rajgond, Maria Gond, Dhur Gond |
Tribe: Ho |
Tribe: Holva |
Tribe: Jatapu |
Tribe: Juang |
Tribe: Kandha Gauda |
Tribe: Kawar, Kanwar |
Tribe: Kharia, Kharian, Berga Kharia, Dhelki Kharia, Dudh Kharia, Erenga Kharia, Munda Kharia, Oraon Kharia, Khadia, Pahari Kharia |
Tribe: Kharwar |
Tribe: Khond, Kond, Kandha, Nanguli Kandha, Sitha Kandha, Kondh, Kui, Buda Kondh, Bura Kandha, Desia Kandha, Dungaria Kondh, Kutia Kandha, Kandha Gauda, Muli Kondh, Malua Kondh, Pengo Kandha, Raja Kondh, Raj Khond |
Tribe: Kisan, Nagesar, Nagesia |
Tribe: Kol |
Tribe: Kolah Loharas, Kol Loharas |
Tribe: Kolha |
Tribe: Koli, Malhar |
Tribe: Kondadora |
Tribe: Kora, Khaira, Khayara |
Tribe: Korua |
Tribe: Kotia |
Tribe: Koya, Gumba Koya, Koitur Koya, Kamar Koya, Musara Koya |
Tribe: Kulis |
Tribe: Lodha, Nodh, Nodha, Lodh |
Tribe: Madia |
Tribe: Mahali |
Tribe: Mankidi |
Tribe: Mankirdia, Mankria, Mankidi |
Tribe: Matya, Matia |
Tribe: Mirdhas, Kuda, Koda |
Tribe: Munda, Munda Lohara, Munda Mahalis, Nagabanshi Munda, Oriya Munda |
Tribe: Mundari |
Tribe: Omanatya, Omanatyo, Amanatya |
Tribe: Oraon, Dhangar, Uran |
Tribe: Parenga |
Tribe: Paroja, Parja, Bodo Paroja, Barong Jhodia Paroja, Chhelia Paroja, Jhodia Paroja, Konda Paroja, Paraja, Ponga Paroja, Sodia Paroja, Sano Paroja, Solia Paroja |
Tribe: Pentia |
Tribe: Rajuar |
Tribe: Santal |
Tribe: Saora, Savar, Saura, Sahara, Arsi Saora, Based Saora, Bhima Saora, Bhimma Saora, Chumura Saora, Jara Savar, Jadu Saora, Jati Saora, Juari Saora, Kampu Saora, Kampa Soura, Kapo Saora, Kindal Saora, Kumbi Kancher Saora, Kalapithia Saora, Kirat Saora, Lanjia Saora, Lamba Lanjia Saora, Luara Saora, Luar Saora, Laria Savar, Malia Saora, Malla Saora, Uriya Saora, Raika Saora, Sudda Saora, Sarda Saora, Tankala Saora, Patro Saora, Vesu Saora |
Tribe: Shabar, Lodha |
Tribe: Sounti |
Tribe: Tharua, Tharua Bindhani |
Tribe: Generic Tribes etc. |
Tribe: NA |
Name |
urban |
rural |
caste |
Name |
scheduled tribes |
Term | Definition |
Industrial category A | Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing |
Industrial category B | Mining and Quarrying |
Industrial category C | Manufacturing |
Industrial category D | Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply |
Industrial category E | Water Supply; (Sewerage and Waste management and remediation activities) |
Industrial category F | Construction |
Industrial category G | Wholesale and Retail Trade (Repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles) |
Industrial category H | Transportation and Storage |
Industrial category I | Accommodation and food service activities |
Industrial category J | Information and Communication |
Industrial category K | Financial and Insurance activities |
Industrial category L | Real Estate activities |
Industrial category M | Professional, Scientific and Technical activities |
Industrial category N | Administrative and support service activities |
Industrial category O | Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security |
Industrial category P | Education |
Industrial category Q | Human Health and Social Work activities |
Industrial category R | Arts, Entertainment and recreations |
Industrial category S | Other Service Activities |
Industrial category T | Activities of Households as Employers; Undifferentiated Goods-and Services |
Industrial category U | Activities of Extra-Territorial Organisations and Bodies |
Location name | Location code | Type |
Odisha | 21 | State |